For a small sum you can protect, possibly, the largest investment of your life. Without the right foundations, building can move and walls can crack.
Problems can be discovered prior to purchase or building.Being aware of any problems will enable you to determine future costs and help you to make vital decisions about the suitability of the land for building .
A Drill Rig and other equipment are used to collect information and samples at various levels on the site. Samples are taken to the laboratory for testing.
Our company was established by geotechnical engineers. The main objective of Geo Technical consulting services and civil works. We are mainly taken the soil test bore well works in Apartments , High Rise Buildings , PWD , Highways , Southern Railway , IOCL ,BPCL,HPCL,State and Central Government Organizations , etc…
We are completed more than 500 sites in all over Tamilnadu & South India .
we have well equipped Soil mechanics Laboratory, at Coimbatore and Salem .
We carry out tests on Soil and Rock Samples in field and laboratory . We have sufficient geotechnical engineers and labours to do work.
We Collaborate with Government College of Technology , Coimbatore . It is one of the best engineering college in India.
The quality of this contributes greatly to the site Investigation
A clay is reactive to moisture change and can swell when exposed to water and shrink when it dries. Sand will settle under load and vibration. A silt will lose strength when wet.